Thursday, February 28, 2013

The state exhange does not have control of our state

The first argument is that with a state exchange we will have control.
Do we really have control? What about Life? Let's use the example of the HHS mandate which states that the insurance that we pay for must cover abortion inducing drugs (Plan B and Ella), sterilization, and contraception. We do not want that but will we put up with it because we allow ACA to be the law in our state? Does the exchange have control? Do we really have control? What about my liberty? I and many others will be forced to either go against my religious and moral beliefs to pay for contraception, sterilization, and the abortion-inducing drugs or pay a fine, a minimum of $695 per person, which increases each year. The exchange will force me because we are implementing Obamacare. How much control does the exchange have? What about property? Until now government has never forced us to buy a product. The IRS estimates that the minimum qualifying plan for a family of 4 in 2016 will cost $20,000. Penalties are projected to be $2,400. Employers will be assessed penalties up to $3000 per employee. The exchange will be against our pursuit of happiness and private property rights, to penalize or tax us on a product that takes away from our right to provide for my family and our happiness because the exchange puts socialized medicine in place. How much control does the exchange have?. The HHS just changed their rules on the Fed/State match for newly eligible under the mandatory Medicaid expansion under ACA. Now since Idaho has not made the decision to expand yet, HHS says the new people coming in under the new rules will have a 70/30 match instead of the 100% as they previously guaranteed. There are 1000's of rules and they change daily. Do we really have control?
The Department of Insurance submitted a blueprint for the creation of an Idaho state health exchange to the Department of Health and Human Services (Secretary Kathleen Sebelius) on December 14, 2012. In Section 1.2 Idaho agrees to turn over taxing authority to the IRS.
Idaho SBE Blueprint

Section 1.2

Pursuant to legislative authorization and designation, a quasi-governmental entity or a nonprofit entity will be authorized in which either the statute itself or the statute in conjunction with a plan of operation or charter of such entity will allow the Exchange to: 1) carry out the required functions of an Exchange; 2) meet the information reporting requirements associated with premium tax credits; 3) serve the entire geographic area of the State; and 4) meet the standards for a State-based health insurance exchange set by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) exchange regulations as outlined in ACA 1311(d) and 45 CFR 155.110. Do we have control? It looks like Sec of State has control to me.

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