Friday, March 29, 2013

My talk against compulsory assessment of vaccinations

1. This is taken from Life Notes-3/28/13. The advent of the vaccine was a major milestone in medicine, saving millions of lives. The vaccine process works by collecting samples of the actual virus, then growing and altering them in the laboratory to make a weakened strain of the disease. There must be a medium of cell culture to grow in, and tragically many are made from aborted human babies, some from known parents who are still alive today. The vaccines themselves do not contain fetal cells, but it is presumed that there is residual biological matter from the fetal cells that has been assimilated into the vaccine.
Many of these vaccines are cultured in cell lines originating from aborted fetuses, such as MMR, Pentacel, Quadracel, Hepatitis, and chicken pox vaccines. There are no US alternatives to the fetal cell lines for Chickenpox, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Shingles, and Hepatitis A. Why should pro-life families in this state who can still afford health insurance be forced to pay for these vaccines, especially if they have chosen to not use these vaccines for themselves or their children.

2. According to Politico Pulse ,dated 3/21, one in 50 school aged children had an autism diagnosis from 2011-2012-increased from 1 per 100. Now I do not blame this on just vaccinations, and I have all of my children vaccinated, but there are 1000's of parents in the US who claim that vaccinations have caused their child to become autistic. I do not believe that immunizations always cause autism, but the number of vaccinations has increased and so has the number of autistic children. There are no conclusive studies yet, so why are we pushing this issue with parents against this choice. Of course, we say that parents have the choice, but as a parent, I know that printed material put out at the schools and doctors offices makes the parents believe that there is no choice. If child immunization is voluntary and there are so many parents who believe that there child has become autistic through vaccinations, why are we continuing the extension of the Immunization Assessment Board who stated purpose is to increase uptake of already purchased vaccines for children to make sure that over 90% of Idaho's children are vaccinated.
3. In other words, the complulsory assessment on the insurance carrier increases the cost of insurance, even on families who desire not to immunizes their children.
4. I encourage a no vote on HB 178

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