We have measures in place to do everything we can as a state to stop any potential detrimental actions of the federal government to try to infringe on our inalienable rights.
We embrace a long standing traditional and culture of being staunch supporters and users of the 2nd Amendment-we understand as a state that the 2nd Amendment is not just about guns, hunting, and shooting. It is about protecting life, it is about liberty, and it is about defending one's self from both internal threats of other citizens and external threats of tyranny.
However advocating for just our gun rights may not be enough. Areas of policy often bleed into one another and have long standing effects in other areas. In President Obama's 23 new executive gun orders, several of them tie gun ownership to mental health. One of his orders allows doctors to ask whether you have guns at home. This may lead doctors and hospitals to screen and ask questions of the patient including if they own any weapons or have any in the home. It is possible that we could lose our concealed carry permit since it would go onto the medical records and could be reported to Homeland Security. Why do you think that this order is tied in health care? The possibility can become reality. The ramifications and dangers of such information gathering by the government is a dangerous notion. We must also fight back against usurpation on our 2nd amendment rights through the healthcare system, such Obama care, which is being implemented by the State exchange. Do we want to take a risk? Ronald Reagon in his 1961 radio address said that the American people would never vote for socialized medicine. Do we want nation health insurance? Do we want socialized medicine? The Senate just passed the State Exchange to implement Obamacare. Do we want another way for our 2nd right amendment to be attacked?
I ask you to please contact other citizens in other counties to call their representatives to speak against this possible assault on our liberty. As it appears those who do not think so highly of the 2nd amendment are trying new methods in a round about way to infringe on our 2nd amendment rights.
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