Saturday, March 9, 2013

Week 9 Review-

The senate's version of the state exchange, SB1042, was rejected by the House which started a new version, HB 248. The House Health and Welfare committee held hearings on Thursday on HB 248 and voted to pass HB248 to establish a state exchange. Many citizens came to testify with about 80% testifying against the new bill. It will be brought to the House floor on Wednesday. It is imperative that you contact your representatives and let them know how you feel about Idaho establishing an exchange!!

The largest budgets in the state passed out of the Finance Committee this week. The education budget of $1.6 billion was approved on Monday. This includes federal funding of $215 million. The Medicaid budget of $2.02 billion passed on Friday. The Medicaid budget includes $1.34 billion in federal funds. The division of Welfare budget of $143 million was approved also on Friday. Federal funding in that budget is $100 million. It is worthy to note that, with federal money, the Medicaid budget is more than the education budget. With that, the budget process has been finished. These budgets will have final approval only after both houses of the legislature pass them.

Both the House and the Senate have made progress this week to ensure and protect our 2nd amendment rights. H192, the bill to establish a new class of concealed carry permits (called enhanced carry permits), has passed the House and is awaiting a hearing in the Senate State Affairs committee. H183, the bill to prohibit city and counties from restricting concealed carry within their jurisdictions and allowing only the state to be able to regulate conceal carry permits, has been passed by the House and is also awaiting a hearing in the Senate State Affairs committee. S1133, the bill to require county sheriffs and school boards to work together to establish school security and safety plans has passed committee and is awaiting to be heard on the Senate floor. HB 219, which prohibits state employees from enforcing any new federal gun regulations, is awaiting a hearing in the House State Affairs.

On Thursday the Senate passed SB 1078 which prohibits Idaho public post secondary educational institutions from discriminating against a religious student group based on the religious student group's requirement that its leaders adhere to its sincerely held religious belief. The law protects the rights of religious student groups to choose their members and preserves their 1st Amendment's right to freedom of religion.
All of above measures deserve your support and I urge you to contact your legislators to ask them to support them as well.

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