Thursday, February 7, 2013

So what are their options? Well, because they cannot afford health insurance they then will be taxed a large amount of $695 a year or $58 a month as a penalty, but as you can see in their budget they cannot afford that either! That tax penalty will only be going up 2.5% each year starting in 2016. So the only other escape available for them is to go from being young, spirited, and a self reliant couple who are trying to grow and make their way through life as a productive member of society, to being forced into the Medicaid program... a program that they do not need because they are of good health. This story is not only a great illustration but it also poses a very serious and concerning question. What do we do with people like this young couple in regards to Obamacare? What is to happen to them? This is the question that I have been asking various department heads, lobbyists, constituents, and many who are for Obamacare but they all fail to give a solid answer. I, like many, am not for destroying the spirit and energy of this young couple. I am not ok with the idea what their options are available if we are to impose Obamacare on Idaho. Therefore, I am opposed to complying with Obamacare.

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