This is a young couple who are trying to make ends meet and are both struggling through life as a young married couple, who are of good health. They are trying very hard to be self reliant and be productive members of society. They pay taxes, they vote, they volunteer for various community programs, and they contribute to society as a whole-as many young couples strive to do. However, given their circumstances, they have decided that because they are in good health and they really couldn't afford a health insurance bill, they would forgo health insurance until they were in a better financial situation. However, now with Obamacare, they are put into a grave situation. How can they afford to buy insurance as mandated by Obamacare? They cannot. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the average premium rate per month for a couple similar to this one would be around $1000 a month. Look back at their income and their expenses. It is impossible for them to scrounge up an additional $1,000 a month to pay for such an expense...To be continued...
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